Görg GmbHRestaurant
AddressEichbüchl 232801 Katzelsdorf
Company data according to trade database
Company name: Görg GmbHCompany register number: 611356dCompany court: Regional court Wiener NeustadtGLN: 9110033959938
Additional extended company data
Business type: RestaurantLegal form: GmbH
FG Gastronomie
Trade wordingHospitality industry in the operating mode inn
Commercial managementStefan Görg
OccupationInns with a maximum of eight guest beds
Authority according to ECG (E-Commerce Act) District administration Wiener Neustadt (Land)
Address2801 Katzelsdorf, Eichbüchl 23
DateSeit 21.09.2023 (may differ from the date of foundation)
Disclosure according to media lawMedia owner
Görg GmbH